How people work, and the freedom they have to choose their own work environment, is
critical for today’s knowledge economy. We need leaders to think through how people can be most productive and what constitutes a healthy working experience.
We know, for example, that concentration drops off rapidly if people are tied to a desk for long periods. But how do we stop people from being tied to technology instead? That question is not being addressed by the IT department or HR.
There is no equivalent to the office designer in cyberspace. We need a new discipline of ‘work design’ that combines understanding of psychology, sociology, and technology. This is the key to the successful 21st Century organization, and it’s about time leaders took some notice.
See my article in the latest edition of Work&Place Magazine for more explanation. (You will first be asked to become a member, which is free initially. Then you will have access to the whole of the latest edition and this link will take you to my article).